CS6: Colombia

In line with SDG6, the National Government established a Plan for achieving potable water access to 8,5 million people in 2022 and increasing the percentage of treated wastewater up to 54.3% in 2022.  Two sites will be engaged: i) El Salitre WWTP in Bogota (7,7 million inhabitants. It experiences temperate climate due to the high altitude(2540-4650 m) and is located in the region of  the Sabana de Bogota aquifer, which gives service to 3 million people and has been recently extended to ameliorate water quality of Bogota River  which is contaminated with CECs, ARGs and MPs); and ii) PWTP in Villa del Rosario (88,433 inhabitants; Tropical-dry climate; Tachira-cretaceous aquifer cross-border with Venezuela), with input from the Tachira river and the aquifer, both polluted with nitrates and WWTP effluents that, added to the lack of a complete depuration system, results in a drinking water with insufficient quality.

Under the NINFA project, data obtained from this case study from monitoring will contribute to the GW Knowledge observatory that will be created under the NINFA project and will help with the validation of the NINFA Platform.